Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Diggers" Cover

Greetings one and all!

Postin' up is the cover for a new comic I'm working on called "Diggers".

Here's the basic concept:

Sam and his uncle Ray run a salvage yard in a post war society. While scouring the wastelands for recoverable materials left over from the battles, Sam and Ray often find themselves tangled up in the aftermath of the war. Sam approaches these encounters as adventures, but his uncle Ray being a veteran of the war looks onto them with regretful, and jaded eyes.

I'm really excited about this idea and Im pretty sure I am going to orient this story for ZUDA. This cover represents the initial concept, and as per some critiques things may change (mainly some colors). Its onward and upward from here!

More updates in the wild world of The Red Cactus Patch as they come!

Live Long and Prosper!


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